Still stunned by the fact that I ended up going to Tokyo 4 times this year, every time more unbelievable than the last. My two weeks there earlier this month were booked solid to the point that I only had time to see my grandparents once for like an hour, which makes me sound like a complete jerk but I'll have to make up for that next time. I met so many inspiring people, became an expert at figuring out the most well balanced meal possible via convenience store, saw parts of the countryside around Tokyo I had no idea existed, went through four very different living situations, shot in the middle of the Shibuya kousaten, attended the Mark Styler show with Jessica Michibata, had a meeting with Vogue Nippon, was blinded by the wattage on the trees in Omotesando Hills, fell in love with clothing line Egoiste, converted my sweet manager Noriko into my Japanese teacher, changed my Starbucks order to a ginger vanilla latte, presented at an award ceremony for Japanese fashion bloggers put on by HP, went on a fuzzy sweater rampage at Laforet, dragged my suitcase through the streets to 10+ shoots, admired a tiny monkey in Roppongi for minutes, learned what it feels like to wake up at 3:30 in the morning, attended the opening of the beautiful new Marc Jacobs show in Aoyama, and saw my agency off with a night at Le Baron. Thank you to everyone I met for making the trip so special and I'm sure I'll be back sooner than later.
Fashion Time + tokyo