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I just came back home from watching The Green Hornet starring Seth Rogen and Jay Chou. To my utter shock, it was pretty entertaining and I had no problem understanding Jay Chou's english either. All I have to say is that Chou kicks some serious butts in that movie and I enjoyed every single minute of it. Though the original Green Hornet, with Bruce Lee, was way before my time, my dad introduced it to me when I was a kid. Before Sailor Moon, Batman and The Green Hornet were my heros! I remember I refused to play with Barbies and stuffed toys but instead I wanted a Batman action figure that fires a hook out of a plastic gun and a Joker that shoots water for my birthday. It's hard to believe that I would grow up to a girl who loves pink and wears tutus.
PS, don't forget to enter my giveaway, which ends January 31. Follow the link on the side bar!