Currently Playing [SM Town - Only Love]

I woke up this morning really early and really excited because it's this blog's ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! YAY! (You can check out my very first post here. I've come a long way since that post, haven't I?) Not only this, but this post is also my 300th post! So I guess today is an extra special day for me! :)

There are 2 simple rules to enter. YOU MUST FOLLOW ALL THE RULES OR ELSE YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED!!. I will delete any comments from bloggers who do not follow all the rules!
1) Must be a PUBLIC follower via google or bloglovin'. Click on the side bar "follow" button if you have not done so. I will double check to make sure that the winner is a follower of this blog just to be fair to everyone.
2) Comment on this post using this following format:
Are you a public follower? Yes/No
**For ONE EXTRA entry: Post a *NEW* entry about this giveaway on your blog or on the sidebar of your blog linking back to this post. Once again, I'll double check this. Feel free to use any of these images on your post! Post the URL of the post along with your comment.
Are you a public follower? Yes/No
URL for the post about this giveaway:
**For ANOTHER EXTRA entry: Become a new subscriber to my youtube channel. Click here to go directly to my channel. Then comment below using this form.
Are you a public follower? Yes/No
Name of Youtube account:
***If you have done ALL THREE, use this format to comment on this post:
Are you a public follower? Yes/No
URL for the post about this giveaway:
Name of Youtube account:
-This giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY
-This contest runs from Feb 9 - March 9 (11:59pm) EST
-You must be over 18 or have your parents permission because if you win I am going to need your address.
-The winner will be chosen randomly using a number generator
-Questions? Email me at
Thank you for entering and ....