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This was her post on the comment section:

Thank you to all of you who've entered this giveaway! I had a total of 176 entries!! WOW! That's the most amount of entries I've ever had and it surpassed even the Dolly Wink giveaway. I did read every single comment and found out what each of you had been looking forward to for the new year. I thought I would take this chance to share some of my personal goals for 2011. I wouldn't call them resolutions because resolutions always seem so unrealistic and unattainable. So I'm calling these "goals" instead and keeping it to just 2 so that it's very attainable for myself:
1) Keep my credit card bill DOWN! I'm setting a limit of only $150 CAD per credit card because I may be going to Hong Kong again this coming summer. And if that happens, JL and I are planning to visit Japan as well. So, we both REALLY need to start saving up for this trip if it's to happen. =) I think this is going to be the hardest goal yet! I'm just going to stop going on shopping sites and even stop going to the mall.
2) Start THISWASFOREVER online jewelry store that has both imported accessories and hand made jewelries. I know that I stated last year that I had wanted to get my store set up before Christmas, but as you can tell, that section on my blog is still "coming soon" *Sigh* No worries, I WILL get it all set up and running very soon!
So hopefully I'll be able to achieve these goals for this coming year and I need all of you to keep me accountable for these two goals! :) This means, fewer shopping posts for the next few months :( But I know that my hard work will pay off when I'm in Hong Kong and Japan.
To the winner, I have contacted you about your shipping information. Please reply asap so I can ship the goodies to you right away!
PS, I'll be hosting another giveaway next week for my blog's one year anniversary! You'll not want to miss this! (^__^)