Crangi ClassGushing over a style icon is never beneath me; I don't ever claim to be a hundred percent original in my tastes and likes. I think observing what other people wear is one of the easiest ways to develop personal style: you have a look at what's out there, you see what can be done, you learn what you like and what you don't like, and you take what makes your tastebuds tingle and make it your own. CFDA-awarded jewelry designer Philip Crangi is one of those people whose sense of style I admire. Interview magazine described him to be reminiscent of "Jack Sparrow marooned on the shores of Williamsburg", with his tattoos and signature jewelry. He keeps a sense of humor in the way he dresses, tempered by a touch of darkness and a penchant for the classics. The result is amusing, yet refined, and very original. These are a few of my favorite Philip Crangi looks:in an always elegant un-ironed white oxford button-down, perfectly orchestrated curls, and what looks like Giles and Brother screwhead stud earringsnow with a jacket over the shirt, cuffs undone, revealing an aggressively gold Rolex. I'm counting the days until my father hands me down his.showing off his signature ink and hardware, and note the handsomely beat-up Hermes double-tour Cape Cod watch (via GQ)in a spread for Man About Town, the photo on the right showing a very interesting ornate necklace worn over a shirt and tie (via Refinery 29)a long keychain draped over the neck? (via Getty images)in the perfectly worn-out Barbour International jacket and a scarf tied quite interestingly. Can anybody figure out how he knotted this? (via The Sartorialist)another view of the same outfit, this time by Tommy Ton (via Jak and Jil)immaculate, yet fully bearded, in a navy suit, patterned bowtie, and tortoiseshell Wayfarers (via Jak and Jil) Right now I'm sitting amidst a pile of clothes I tried on, barely halfway done packing for New York Fashion Week. Whenever I find myself in a styling roadblock, I think to myself, "what would Crangi do?" How about you, dear readers, who are your style superstars of the moment?