Currently Playing [Britney Spears - Hold It Against Me]

This camera finally arrived in the mail sometime last week. It took over a month for it to get to me, which made the anticipation worst! I had purchased this on Ebay for around $10 CAD with free shipping. Yes, this camera has 3 lenses, so that means with one click of the shutter, you'll get 3 images on your photo. If the object is moving, it'll mean that all 3 frames would be different. I really can't wait to take it out :) Here are some photos that I found on Flickr that other users have taken with this camera. Pretty neat, huh? :)

Lastly, the exciting news! If you follow my Twitter then you'll already know...but my plane ticket to Hong Kong have been confirmed as of last night! Yes! I'll be in Hong Kong in the summer again from May 3 until July 7! WOOT! This also means that I'll be going to Japan in May with JL then! :) If you are going to be in Hong Kong/Japan around that time, please let me know! Now I definitely CAN'T wait for this school year to be OVER! :)