I mentioned in my first Lovin' Linkful post that I was going to get to meet Jenna Lyons on Tuesday - and well I got several envious Facebook posts and text messages about that! And because I'm excited beyond words, literally burst-at-the-seams, do a tap dance on my academic quad about it, I'll brag a little bit more about the incredible people that Lucky has brought together. Tory Burch, Joan Rivers (my dad is rather envious - Fashion Police is his jam), Susie Bubble, Karen Robinovitz (who wrote the gospel of my early teenage years, The Fashionista Files), and of course Jenna Lyons, and so many more fantastic people who I admire! I am prepared to write a minute-by-minute account of my there.
I cannot wait to finally be in Manhattan (hence the Holly Golightly picture) and have this whirlwind adventure!
Okay, I am literally leaving for the airport now - so plenty of kisses to all you dolly rocker girls!
* Isn't that just the swellest acronym you've ever seen??