In a perfect world, I would have a vintage Hermes Haut a Courroies:

or a nicely beat-up Hermes Plume weekend bag, in a size larger than this:

but alas, my wallet can't afford and my arm can't support all that expensive and terribly heavy leather-lined Hermes leather.
Louis Vuitton keepalls are lighter and much less expensive than those Hermes weekend bags:

I may have sworn off the widely misworn monogram forever, but the magic of Tommy Ton's fashion week photography has caused me to reconsider.

In defiance of my own discerning tastes and those of the spiteful voices around me, I might just throw caution to the wind and dive back into the deep brown whirlpool of monogram.
Pulling back the reins on my taste for the naff, perhaps I should consider something from classic British luggage maker Globetrotter? Though the seemingly cumbersome belts around the suitcases might be a little discouraging, the bags are light and made out of the indestructibly-sounding vulcan fiber. And they are very handsome as well.

However, something tells me I'll end up with a classic Prada nylon trolley.

What luggages are you lusting for?
Some photo credits missing, please inform me if you know where they're from.