A Morning at StylelikeU with Mister Mad Messy LayersI've been following StylelikeU since it launched almost two years ago, and it's been a pleasure watching the personal style video site progress from the very organic, low-fi shaky-camera style profile blog to what I think is now a powerful force in online fashion media. I love their more intimate approach to exploring personal style: rather than take a fleeting snapshot of street style which would be that one outfit that a person happened to be wearing at a given time, they come to people's homes and have them show and try on their favorite pieces and talk about the story behind those pieces, and the result is quite creatively enriching. The gorgeous Dani Baum, event director at StylelikeU, was gracious enough to invite me to hang around the office one morning and steep in the creativity that filled the StylelikeU house.editor-in-chief Elisa Goodkind's desk The atmosphere was very endearing: it was a big cozy apartment with couches and tables where the team would very casually go about their business on their laptops. It was a pleasure meeting the team, too; Jordan and Patrick were incredibly stylish and quite hospitable toward this crazy blogger barging in on their busy work day.I liked the fabric on this couch so much I wished I could rip it off and patch it up into a suit.kitchen right next to the EIC's desk While hanging about, I decided to snap pictures of Brandon, who was dressed in his signature mishmash of messy layers that painfully brisk morning.The outermost layer was an old Uniqlo wool open jacket fastened with a vintage brooch,then a Miyake-esque vintage fringed poncho-coat,then a vintage padded Chinese jacket with bamboo buttons,and that floral Paul Smith shirt that I am intent on stealing someday.shearling-lined gray suede Dr. Martens StylelikeU is working on launching a book on the 29th of March. Click here to pre-order your copy. the StylelikeU site