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I finally decided to wear the Vivienne Tam faux leather jacket that I bought during the haul here for $12 and I can't take it off. It's honestly the perfect light jacket for Spring and it has really restored my hopes in Winners. I also finally wore my Burberry shoes that I bought here from the States back in December. But, I didn't actually wear the shoes out because it started to rain on that night and I didn't want to wear them in the rain. So I only worn them to take photos! HAHA! So I haven't broken them in yet and they are still sitting comfortably in their boxes in my shoe closet. I need a special event to wear them, any suggestions?
I'm going to get back to my American Idol. I can't believe it's already the 10th season, where are all the past idols now?
PS, don't forget to enter my Dior, Sigma, Melliesh, Skin79 giveaway which ends March 9. Follow the link on the side bar!