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I just wanted to express my deepest gratitude for all of you guys who have shown me support about the news of my internship in Nanjing, China. I'm a little less scared now because the news is slowly settling in. But all your comments had made me feel more at ease about the internship. And for that I want to say THANK YOU! I really hope that I'll be able to access my blog from China because I know that China had blocked almost all commucation through the internet. So if that's the case, I will try to get JL to update my blog for me! HAHA! (Like I'll type everything up and he'll just have to past it nd publish it for me). There are still a lot of prep work to be completed in the next month to make sure that I'm fully ready to go. But I can't even think about that right now because there are only 2 weeks left in this school year which means finals and deadlines are quickly approaching.
Also, as for the shop that had used my photos...they did reply me back and apologized for their action. They have removed one photo from their facebook store but they have yet to remove the second one. I have contacted them again so that they will take off the second one as well. However, it still bothered me a little bit when they were explaining to me why they had thought it was okay to use my photos and not to credit it back to me. This is the reply that I got back from them:

I guess they didn't know that google images searches for pictures from different websites. They should have at least credit google! LOL! But anyways, it's done and over with. No harm was done so we can just forget about the whole situation :)
EDIT: I just got the second reply from that company and they had removed the final photo. However, this is what the person wrote to me:

Google is only a search engine or a medium used to narrow down images to what you type in the search bar. Those images are still from an original site and the credit should still be given back to that site. It's like what Gloria said if you found information from Google and didn't reference them in school, "charged for plagiarism in the academic setting". Haha! Plus, images on Google are for viewing purposes and not for commercial use. So no, images found on Google are not "free for all".