Gorgeous Liss Winnel from www.daydreamlily.com is a research scientist by day, stylish blogger by night. And, my latest obsession is 22 year old Diya Liu, who’s style I've been gushing over since discovering her blog recently, is actually double majoring in chemical engineering and biochemistry. Jealous much? It seems some people are blessed with it all, and when it comes to these talented and inspiring individuals, I tend to get a little obsessively intrigued.
When I discovered Diya’s blog last week I was instantly in love with every one of her stylish ensembles, then after reading a little bit about her life & background I knew I had to find out more about her…. So first, a little teaser of Diya’s sensational style, and then I chat to her about blogging and where she shops for all of her fabulous clothing and accessories… ENJOY!

You’ve been blogging since 2010, how many visitors per month does your blog have? Around 60,000 per month.
There are so many fashion blogs now, why do you think yours has become so popular (other than your FABULOUS personal style)? Have you done any marketing or promotional things to increase the readership?
Aww thanks! I don't actually think of my blog as extremely popular; there are so many other inspirational blogs that have risen to popularity much more quickly but I think I fill a small niche by helping other girls in non-traditionally fashionable career tracks see that it is perfectly okay to dress up. I've been quite bad about promoting my blog. I tried to make myself at least comment on the blogs I visit normally lately but my schedule has been in the way...
You have a little snippet on your blog that says ‘ For marketing, wardrobe consulting, press, styling & modeling inquiries’ to contact you. Is this something else you do on the side? Can you tell me more about this? Well...the "wardrobe consulting" part was added on recently since I've already been helping my friends with building/ revamping their wardrobe and I get so many styling questions. I decided I can help locals in their wardrobe questions in person as well. However, I've been modeling and styling for a good while now for Austin fashion events. Unlike the fashion meccas of the world, the fashion scene here's very based on "volunteer-ism"; everyone's willing to help each other build their niche in the fashion community so I've been doing a little bit of everything. I love gaining hands-on experience in fashion from every angle.
You have the most AMAZING wardrobe! What are the top 3 online and top 3 stores that you shop at? I shop the most online at Etsy's vintage section, Ideeli and other sample sale sites, and Lulu's. As for stores I love Savers, Forever 21, and our monthly City Wide Garage Sale (where around 50 vendors have tons of great vintage and secondhand items). I've found so many great jewelry and vintage fur pieces from the CWGS!
You also have quite an impressive jewelry collection! Where do you buy most of your jewelry? I'm looking at my necklaces right now, trying to determine where I shop for jewelry the most....and I can't decide because I have gotten jewelry from everywhere: belly dancing conventions, gas stations, random street shops I've stumbled in. I just got six pieces of great jewelry from a $1 pile at the City Wide Garage Sale. Online, I love Kristine's store ManifestManifest.com and I am obsessed with everything from AmritaSingh.com.
You mention on your blog that you boyfriend takes your photos. What does he do for a living? Do you have some sort of daily routine for taking outfit photos? My boyfriend's a lawyer; my friend once mentioned that "a lawyer and an engineer..." sounded like the beginning of a really funny but bad joke. We usually only manage to see each other on the weekends most of the time, so we don't really have a daily routine for taking outfit photos. We're both so incredibly busy that we end up squeezing an outfit photo session in whenever and wherever!
I’m in love with your emerald green cape (pictured first), where did you get that? The cape is vintage from Lace With Romance. I got it at the stone-and-mortar store located here in Austin, but they're also online at LacedWithRomance.com
Who are your own top 3 favourite personal style bloggers? This is hard... I have so many bookmarked blogs that I visit religiously! Currently I'm most inspired by Karla (Karla's Closet), Kelly (The Glamourai), and Liz (Late Afternoon).
What advice would you pass on to anyone else who wants to make their mark in the fashion blogging world? Be nice (publicly and privately) but honest, and have really thick skin. Also, don't be afraid to admit you're smitten with someone else's work!
You can enjoy Diya's blog at www.diyainherstilettos.com