Currently Playing [張敬軒 & Rihanna - Hate That I Love You (Mandarin)]

A reader has bought to my attention yesterday that there's an online fashion/circle lenses store on facebook that has used my photos without my permission nor crediting back to me. The person's name on facebook is Aiko Kato and apparently I have 3 mutual friends with the person. This is the link to the profile ( Apparently the person lives in Los Angeles, California but they are from Richmond, British Columbia. They stole two specific photos of a sponsor review that I did of the EOS Flower Series circle lenses. The original post is here. I am in no way affiliated with this company what so ever. And here are some screen shots of the photos that were stolen from this blog. You can see all the photos here (!/album.php?aid=2088840&id=1168260999)

It is apparent that this company have no intention of crediting back to me and these photos were only added 12 hours ago as well.
I'm not mad but instead I'm really sadden at the fact that someone who actually steal my photos. I'm not mean, if you ask me, I would NOT say no for you to use my photos. I don't mind sharing my photos because I know that it's difficult sometimes to get a decent photo of something that you are looking for. However, since these photos are of a sponsored post by another company, I had already given that company who sponsored the post the permission to use those photos on their sites exclusively. It would be terrible if the sponsor company thought that I had given the right to another company to use the photos. =/ It's a little disrespectful. So please just ASK first before using any of my photos. I would even be happy to take a new set of photos for someone if he/she really needed my help. I would more than happy to do that favour.
I had kindly message Aiko Kato to take down these photos of me. I'm just waiting to hear a response and I do not want to escalate this matter. And I also do not want to have to put a watermark on all my photos because I think that affects the quality of the photo.
So please, do not steal my photos :)