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Title: Constructed
Materials: c-prints and foamcore
Statement: The space around us is an artificial and constructed space, which also includes the gallery exhibition. My work will be build similar to how the exhibition will be constructed. It will question the fabrication of materials and the type of audience the work will reach. It brings together the ideas of fake and real. My final piece will be a compromise and agreement between sculpture and photography. The piece will demonstrate the roundness of sculpture but also have flat aspects of photography.
Thank you everyone who came out to the opening reception of Outside(r)! If you saw my twitter post, you'll realize how packed this small little gallery became. It was a great night of good laughter, good food, good wine and good art. (I stayed there for the full 4 hours!) I can't believe how fast this year has went by and how quickly this art show is already coming to an end. It felt like it was yesterday when all 18 of us were scrumbling to find a place to have this exhibition. It's been an amazing journey and I can't wait to have more shows next year! Special thanks to the following people who made my night extra special: AS, CC, CF, EP, FL, JK, JL, JL, JY, KL, KP, LS, TL.
I want to send a shoutout to Kristy from Monochromachic and Jess from Wild Tortoise. It was so great to meet Kristy for the first time after being BFs (blogger-friends) for so long! And it was just great to catch up with Jess again, who will always be my favourite shopping buddy! :)
PS, I'm sorry for the poor quality of the photos. If you follow my on twitter, you know that my lense for my Nikon D90 broke recently. So it's in the process of getting fixed =/ Thus, in the time being, I'm back to using my FujiFilm FinePix S9600