Here's how to join:1. Be a Blogger follower of The Dandy Project by clicking the "Follow (with Google Friend Connect)" button on the right sidebar and/or be a Facebook fan by visiting the Facebook page and clicking "like".2. E-mail me your Blogger name and/or Facebook name, for verification, and then humor me with answers to these two questions:
"How did you find The Dandy Project?""If I gave you $5,000 (I won't.) to spend on things you can wear, what would you buy?"Send your Blogger/Facebook name and answers to: thedandyproject(at)yahoo(dot)com3. The winner will be contacted via e-mail. Contest is open to all readers worldwide.

*Disclaimer: This giveaway is not done in cooperation with the Hermés marketing team. Costs for the giveaway have been shouldered by the blogger.EDIT: Congratulations Benjamin, you will receive your package shortly!