This week I'm excited to let you know that I've put a fresh new issue of the Mylookbook digital magazine online! I must admit that life has been a little hectic lately and it's been hard to keep up with everything going on, however, I have managed to put together a winter issue for you featuring not only some of my favourite looks for this winter, but also interviews with people who have inspired me recently. One such person is photographer Jessie Bush who I met while in Sydney for fashion week. She takes street style fashion pics just as beautifully as Scott Schuman of The Sartorialist blog or any other top street snapper as far as I'm concerned. I'm just flattered I was able to meet and chat with her before she becomes too famous!
I think you'll like my latest personal style blogger obsession who's website I've been checking out daily (and dreaming of warmer weather). LA fashion blogger Julie Sarinana

Luxury at hand with the the Gucci Purse Spray!
I found out recently that one of my absolute FAVOURITE fragrances, Flora By Gucci is available in a handy purse size spray! If your anything like me, you don't feel fully dressed when not wearing perfume and on some mornings (especially in my house) it's almost impossible to walk out the front door without forgetting something. I absolutely hate it when I realise I've forgotten to wear perfume however thanks to this nifty little discovery, I now have my Gucci Flora on me at all times. The set contains four 15ml glass vials which can be fitted into a chic little case that sits nicely in even the smallest of bags. Brilliant.

I have to admit, I'm including this product from a third party perspective. When it landed on my desk this month my 16 year old daughter Bree walked into my office and apparently desperately in need of a face mask, she swiped it away, promising to bring it back.
It's almost a month later and I haven't seen it since. When asking her about the mysterious disappearance she's declared that it's the most AMAZING thing she's used on her skin and really doesn't want to part with it. Like any teenager she suffers from occasional break outs and is always looking for products to clear up her skin. She's said that this has not only cleared her skin but is keeping it super soft and smooth. I'm not complaining at only $10.99 a bottle!
$10.99 www.swisspers.com.au

I was first aware of Zoe Foster when she became the editor of www.primped.com.au.
Since then I've been a huge fan of her refreshingly witty writing style and was super excited when she released each of her fictional novels Air Kisses and Playing the Field (I absolutely loved both of them) .
It's no shock that her most recent publishing venture Amazing Face is another awesome accomplishment. Zoë suggests makeup colours and brands for every occasion, skin care routines, products for every age, and step-by-step instructions for winged eyeliner, sensational red lips, foolproof tanning, simple updos, sexy-second-day hair, and so much more . She is one multi-talented lady who constantly inspires and entertains me. If your already a fan of her work, simply want to know more about beauty or you just feel like buying something new, this book is well worth your dollars.
On Sale 27 June www.penguin.com.au

I'm generally more a fan of walking to get my exercise however I've always loved the 'thought' of running and have been wanting to make an attempt at upgrading my exercise routine for a while now. A friend recently told me about music created especially for running (and keeping your pace even) which I'd previously never heard of. I mean, I knew people ran listening to music however I didn't know there was music made especially for running.
Ministry of Sound Running Trax: Winter 2011 has beats for your warm up to your cool down. The 3 discs are titled jog, run and sprint, each disc with it's own BPM-synched track list, programmed to enhance your training session and ensure you get the most from your fitness routine. Again, I can't personally say I've given it a go yet, however my daughter Taya says it's fantastic!
In store June 17th, 2011 www.ministryofsound.com.au
Winter weekend movie: Source Code
Anything starring Jake Gyllenhaal is worth watching as far as I'm concerned. Source Code is no exception and with plenty of action, romance and nail biting twists, this movie was a roller coaster ride the entire way through.
Gyllenhaal's character, US Air Force Captain Colter Stevens, wakes up suddenly on train. He soon realises that he is in another mans body, the train is then blown up by a terrorist's bomb, and this is where the story begins.
My husband and I both enjoyed Source Code equally as much as each other, a definite plus if your anything like us and have trouble agreeing on what to see!

Something to love about Mondays - Offspring!
It's been a while since I've been completely obsessed with a TV series and Offspring had me from Episode One. Every single little thing about the show has me completely addicted. From Nina's quirky outfits to her fabulously dysfunctional family. It's utter chaos all weaved together so beautifully I can't help but be in the happiest of moods at the end of every show.