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These are some photos from a family lunch that I had prior to my departure to Nanjing. Looking back on these now makes me miss Hong Kong and my family even more. I'm really looking forward to going back there in August before I finally head back to Canada. I actually really miss my family. (Sorry JL has officially banned me, as of now, from posting any photos of him on my blog. He's camera shy!) (=.=) I'm still not completely done uploading all the photos from Hong Kong but these are the only ones that I have access to on this computer.
As for Nanjing, I'm slowly getting use to the environment. ∧__∧ I've been getting a lot of comments and questions from readers regarding what I will actually be doing there and how I got this internship and so on. So I'll try to answer some of those questions today. I applied for this internship through my university in Toronto. My university offers many internships to places all over the world. Not all of these internships are teaching ones, but I just so happen to have applied for one that is related to my practice.
The organization that I'm working for is called JESIE,which stands for Jiangsu Education Services for International Exchange. Their main businesses include recruiting international faculties, organizing business visits, sending students to study abroad, setting pre & in service training groups for overseas, providing overseas study tour, hosting foreign studying and visiting groups and so on. Right now, both Thalia and I are in charge of preparing students between the ages of 8-13 who are planning to study abroad with the basic knowledge that they may need。For example, we provide them with basic information about the airport, host family, hotel ,school and shopping. I am in charge of teaching the students who are planning to study in Australia and Europe, while Thalia is teaching the kids who are going to Canada and the United Kingdom. We won't be teaching these lessons until later on this month so right now we are just required to be at the office from 9am-6pm to prepare for these lessons。 In China, it is very common for them to have 9 hour work days, but considering that we get a 2 hour lunch break, I say it's pretty decent。Since we live so close to the office, we usually go home after eating lunch or see if we can squeeze in a little grocery shopping before having to head back to work.
I'm quite excited for this weekend because we are planning to go to this very big and very popular mall on Saturday that even has a Walmart in it. There are supposed to be some amazing brands there as well! Definitely can't wait for that! The internet at our home is still not fully functionally because we still don't have wireless yet. That's why I'm still unable to upload any new photos from Nanjing. Plus, we discovered that it's close to impossible to access any international sites during peak hours because so many people are using the server at the same time. I will have to stay up tonight to register for my courses for next year, so please pray that the internet will be cooperative tonight.
I will see if I will be able to do another post tonight! (´・ω・`)