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The weather in Nanjing has been so unpredictable lately! Everyday it’s scorching hot in the daytime and at night it’s not only cold but it rains hard. I can never leave home without an umbrella or a light sweater because the weather is always changing. I just wish that the weatherman could be a bit more accurate when it comes to the forecast. On another note, I had quite the memorable experience last Friday when we woke up to an overflowing kitchen sink. My roommate and I quickly took buckets to empty out the excess water to our tub but the water just kept bubbling up. We had to call our landlord to see if the problem can be fixed asap because we would be missing our classes. Luckily, the repairman came within half an hour and the sink was fixed within fifteen minutes of his arrival. Now that’s efficiency!

My new stuffed friends that JL bought for me from Hong Kong! I really love the bunny and the Rilakkuma chicken in a pink squirrel costume! They are soooooooooo cuteeeeeee! ^^
PS, happy belated CANADA'S DAY to all my Canadian readers!
PPS, don't forget to enter my Dolly Winkgiveaway which ends August 27. Follow the link on the side bar!