Your shrunken suit has shaped men's fashion indelibly. I admire the influence you've had on the way men dress; droves of dudes the world over would start twitching if you forcibly have them uncuff their trousers, hiding their precious ankles from sight. I may have never owned a piece of Thom Browne, but I am a serial pants-cuffer, and I've always had my suit jackets cut close and just as long as the sleeves, much to the puzzlement of my tailor nearly five years ago. In an effort to change things up in my wardrobe department, I've decided to take on your look in its full severity---too-tight jacket with too-short sleeves over still-too-short shirt sleeves, high-waisted pants cuffed short and wide, neat hair, and maybe even neckwear---at least for the next few outfits or so.
It has recently come to my attention that the Thom Browne tuxedo, in black with grosgrain trim, is the perfect, harmonious combination of the Thom Browne's silhouette and my dark, luxe aesthetic.

Thom, your sartorial genius has got me obsessing over your tuxedo suit for an entire weekend, making me go back and forth re: the versatility of this potential investment. How many times and with how many pieces in my closet can I wear a suit so dressed-up and so shrunken? I did a little bit of photo research to see what options I have:

Which leaves me with a slim slew of styling options but to wear it with socks, which I am not keen on doing! I kid. Mr. Browne, it would be an honor to wear your suit gritty and relaxed: tuxedo shirt unbuttoned, wristful of hardware, my beat-up Number (N)ine creepers, fictitious tattoos even. Or perhaps we could make East meet West and wear it with my bib-embroidered polo barong untucked?
But if I ever get my hands on one of your precious tuxedos, I would run to the opera, or to the nearest red carpet gala night, or maybe even throw one myself, and wear it just the way you did at the Met Ball---slick, suave, and shrunken.

Your Filipino fanboy,Izzy