Only the steepest hill would do. I wouldn't quite know how to classify this print but I was surprisingly drawn to it. Spent a couple days in Orange County this week to take care of some camera issues at the Canon service center so took the chance to stop by South Coast Plaza. Immediately lost 3 hours of daylight that I could have spent watching Harry Potter.
Moving on. So many good things at Zara right now..also found another white dress (classification: ethereal) to add to my existent arsenal at Intermix. And this leopard print bag with a built-in flashlight (utility!) by Jerome Dreyfuss at Barney's that's still on my mind...and some gray slouchy ankle socks at Club Monaco that I feel like I've been looking for for months..something must be off because I never find that much I like at once. Maybe that's what staying away from the shops for months does? That's the justification that makes me feel best so I'm going to go with it.