Fashion Time   +  tokyo

A few shots from the past week here in Tokyo. So many fun moments, I've had a little more time to chill and make up my own schedule than I usually do here so I've tried to document accordingly. The past couple days have been back to packed though, I've done a shoot with ViVi, had a very exciting meeting that I'll be telling you more about if all goes well, gotten manicures in two different shades of Chanel's denim blues, hosted a dinner for Gilt Group at a restaurant in Aoyama, and today drove out with a big crew (no other way to roll here) to a house studio two hours outside Tokyo that seemed to exist in a zone unaffected by time. Woods, winding spiral staircases, roaming cats, huge rocking horses, the whole deal. I'm heading home in a couple days but tomorrow's another early morning.