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Even though Winter is my second favourite season, next to Fall, it does have its disadvantage: DRY SKIN! I generally have very oily skin, but against this harsh Winter weather in Toronto, even my face can start to get flaky. This makes the application of foundation really difficult and my face gets extremely red because it's so sensitive. Plus, not to mention that it hurts! Thus, over the years, I have discovered little things that I can do to prevent my skin from becoming overly dry during the Winter. I wanted to share these tips with you as well and so here are my 5 Winter Skin care tips:
#1: Gel Moisturizers

Gel moisturizers are my favourite cream to use during this time of the year. Gel moisturizers tend to provide a burst of moisture that perfectly quenches and hydrates the skin. They are very light and absorbs really quickly into the skin. I love using gel creams during the winter just right before my makeup routine. It really smooths all the rough patches on my face. Here are two of my favourite ones and you know what's so great about these besides smoothing dry skin? They are incredibly affordable! Remember my review here of the Garnier Moisture Rescue Refreshing Gel Cream? It was only $10 CAD and as you can tell, I'm almost out of it (That was my second jar). I recently discovered this new one by L'oreal and I would argue that it's even better than the Garnier one. Not only does it offer sun protection but it's also suitable for oily skin. It is a little more expensive than the Garnier one, however, you do get more product. Both of these creams come in a very heavy jar container, so it's very chic. (Available at your local drugstore)
#2: Hydrating Facial Masks

I cannot begin to explain how amazing facial masks are, especially during the dry season. Most sheet masks recommend that you apply one sheet on a weekly basis, however, since my face is extra dry during Winter, I apply on every single night just after my shower. Sheet masks contain a lot of serums and if you look for one that's specially for hydration, it'll be dripping when you take it out of the packaging. My favourite sheet masks of all time are still My Beauty Diary and My Scheming because they have the most serum per sheet. (You can see my reviews of face masks here). I would recommend the Aloe Vera one by My Beauty Diary for hydration. (Available at Artie Style, $15.99/10 sheets, Use code "THISWASFOREVER" for 10% off on $20+ purchases)
#3: Evian Water Facial Spray

This little spray never leaves my purse during the Winter. I carry this around with me all the time and whenever I feel my face tightening from the cold, I quickly take this out and give it a few sprays. Evian supplies the vital moisture skin so desperately needs to look soft, supple, healthy, and young looking. You can use it to rehydrate and deliver the perfect balance of minerals skin demands. Don't worry about messing up your makeup because the spray can even act as a makeup fix. The best part is that you can also take this with you on the airplane for easy travel. (Available at Sephora $10 for 2 50ml bottls)
#4: Hand Moisturizer

I can never leave home without my hand lotion. It's not just my face that gets very dry during the Winter, but my hands always crack and becomes dry from the wind. Thus, it's essential to carry a decent hand lotion in your purse. This is the new one that I've been loving by Crabtree & Evelyn. I am very picky about my hand creams because I want to provide a great amount of moisture without being overly oily. Plus, the scent need to be mild and not too strong. Prior to using this one, I had been using the L'occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream, which is just as good. (Available at Crabtree & Evelyn, $9 CAD)
#5: Humidifier

Last but definitely not the least, this is my new baby humidifier. Isn't it just adorable? Central heating systems (as well as space heaters) blast hot dry air throughout my home and this can cause my house to be very, very dry. Humidifiers get more moisture in the air, which helps prevent your skin from drying out. I have placed this right inside my bedroom and turn it on whenever I'm in my room. I turn it on every night before I go to bed as well so that my face will not be dry in the morning. Plus, with the humidifier around, it can also help boost up my body's immune system. Why? That's because dry air is one of the major causes of respiratory infections, nose bleeds and winter colds. A lack of moisture can prevent your body's immune system from repelling infection causing germs, and can actually promote the growth of some bacteria, viruses, and respiratory irritants. (Available at your local Walmart, $17.99)
I hope this post had been helpful and informational. Of course these tips are not definitive. If you have any other ideas on how to combat dry skin during Winter, please share them with me in the comments below! I would love to hear from you!