I have been feeling an itch in recent weeks to do something different - I am contemplating Debbie Harry levels of blondeness or going back to my tried and true ombre look. It was Friday morning when I was scrolling through pictures of Taylor Swift in a recent issue of Vogue that I decided what my change would be: I would get good and proper fringe.
I went to the Rush Salon on Oxford Street after begging to come in for a lunchtime appointment. Upon arrival, I sat down in a comfy swivel chair while my stylist Georgia and I discussed what I wanted. I desired something thick but not heavy across my forehead - something that could be worn messy and wavy as well as stick straight. I told her about my Taylor Swift revelation and showed her pictures of Emma Stone, Kate Moss, Felicity Jones and Zooey Deschanel that I pulled up on my iPhone.
After twenty minutes and inches and inches of hair had fallen to the floor, I had myself a new pair of bangs. I had mixed feelings - on the one hand I loved them because they were fun and edgy, on the other hand I didn't know how to style them nor did I think I had the confidence to pull them off. I am still struggling with styling them - I am trying to do sideswept bangs, braids, and the full-on blunt fringe look, but I still get a little nervous going out into public with the full-on bang look. I'm sure it will come with time - everything takes some time to get used to, at least for me. But hey, I'm having fun taking modeling pics of myself on Photo Booth.
The inspiration: