Fashion Time   +  random rambles

a real bang up job
I've long had an obsession with bangs, or 'fringe' as they say here in the UK. Last year I took the plunge and gave myself bangs - a decision born out of the stress of exams week at university. I immediately regretted the decision (the decision to use eyebrow scissors and Fiskars as my hairstyling instruments wasn't my finest choice) and pushed the bangs off of my face for the ensuing weeks until my hair grew out enough to push behind my ears in embarrassment.
I have been feeling an itch in recent weeks to do something different - I am contemplating Debbie Harry levels of blondeness or going back to my tried and true ombre look. It was Friday morning when I was scrolling through pictures of Taylor Swift in a recent issue of Vogue that I decided what my change would be: I would get good and proper fringe.
I went to the Rush Salon on Oxford Street after begging to come in for a lunchtime appointment. Upon arrival, I sat down in a comfy swivel chair while my stylist Georgia and I discussed what I wanted. I desired something thick but not heavy across my forehead - something that could be worn messy and wavy as well as stick straight. I told her about my Taylor Swift revelation and showed her pictures of Emma Stone, Kate Moss, Felicity Jones and Zooey Deschanel that I pulled up on my iPhone.
After twenty minutes and inches and inches of hair had fallen to the floor, I had myself a new pair of bangs. I had mixed feelings - on the one hand I loved them because they were fun and edgy, on the other hand I didn't know how to style them nor did I think I had the confidence to pull them off. I am still struggling with styling them - I am trying to do sideswept bangs, braids, and the full-on blunt fringe look, but I still get a little nervous going out into public with the full-on bang look. I'm sure it will come with time - everything takes some time to get used to, at least for me. But hey, I'm having fun taking modeling pics of myself on Photo Booth.

The inspiration: The result:I am kind of obsessed with my fringe at the moment, especially when I am by myself in the bathroom primping, but I lack the confidence to really own them when I go out in public. Does anyone with fringe have any tips or suggestions for a newly banged person such as myself?