Currently Playing [鄭秀文 - 上帝早已預備]
Hi everyone! Today I'm going to blog about something different and it is something that I haven't blogged about before on this blog. There's a Confession of a Shoeaholic tag that is going around on Youtube at the moment and I decided that I'll also participate in it as well! I thought it would be fun and a good way for you to get to know me a little better! Tell me if you guys enjoy these tag posts and I'll do more in the future! Without further ado, here are the questions for the Confession of a Shoeaholic Tag!
1. Heels or Flats?
I think deep down, I'm definitely a heels type of girl because I have more heels than flats in my collection. However for practical reasons, I do wear flats more than heels on a daily basis. Flats are more comfy and JL really hates it when I wear heels!
2. What are your go-to shoes?

Converses! I own around 8 different pairs of Converses because I always buy one or two pairs every time I go back to Hong Kong. They are a LOT cheaper there than in North America. JL is also a huge fan of Converses, so he had purchased a few pairs (the personalized pair with my name on them) for me as well. Thus, I ended up with a huge collection of Chucks. These 4 pairs are my favourite just because I can match them with almost any outfits!
3. What's your favorite shoe trend at the moment?

My favourite shoe trend at the moment has to be the creeper wedges. I've always wanted a pair of creepers and ever since Burberry Fall 2011 introduced the world to creeper platforms, they have been the latest craze! They have been appearing all over the fashion blog-o-sphere! Of course, I can't spurge on the Burberry ones ($800 USD), I satisfied my cravings with these Jeffrey Campbell ones instead (Less than $100 USD). I also really like the platform heels because they make your legs look super slim! ;)
4. What's your least favavorite shoe trend?
None at the moment. It's really hard to find a trend/style that I truly dislike.
5. What's your most expensive shoe?

My most expensive pair of shoes are probably this pair of Burberry boots. I bought them two years ago when I visited Woodbury Outlet in New York. The Burburry store was doing a crazy clearance, and I got these boots for only $100 USD. I'm not a huge spender, so $100 for a pair of boots is already a LOT for me!
6. What are your most wanted pair?

Isabel Marant's heel wedge sneakers! (Photo credit:
7. What's your most embarrassing shoe story?
Too many! Being the ditz that I am, I trip and fall almost all the time! Haha! So whether I'm in heels or flats, I'll usually end up slipping somewhere. //Sigh// Yeah, I'm kinda embarrassing like that, which is probably why I have no shame anymore :P
8. Pick a shoe and share a story.

I had purchase this of sandals from Aldo last summer because they had reminded me a lot of the Prada crystal shoes. Plus, they were on sale for around $13. But they are so painful to walk in! I would have never imagined this because the heels are only 1 inch! The plastic part of the shoes is really tight against my feet and when I worn them in Hong Kong, they scratched the skin really badly! I had to put, no jokes, 3 bandages on each foot to prevent the scratching! It was so embarrassing when I was walking around with so many bandages on my foot! Haha!
9. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
I want to say 50, but I have a feeling it's just a little over that number at this point.
10. When was the first time you wore heels?
The first time I wore heels was during my grade 6 graduation. I remember I bought a pair of black-strapped heels from Payless. I also remember that my Mom was freaking out because it was a 2.5 inch heels and she was worried that I won't be able to walk in them! Haha! Now that I'm thinking about it, I remember I almost slipped when I walked up to receive my diploma. Plus, my feet killed afterwards.
11. How much do you spend on shoes?
To be honest, not a lot. Like I had mentioned before, I'm not a huge spender. I can't be because I'm still a student! So I always try to catch a sale before I purchase anything. (This applies to clothing as well) I think I spent less than $50 on shoes every month. Unless of course I had save up previously for a spurge purchase! :D
12. Where are your favorite places to buy shoes?

Spring but only the online store and not the actual store. They are a sister company to Aldo and Little Burgundy. They always have some 50% off sale and free shipping over $49. Sometimes they'll have free shipping promotion as well. Some of their styles are very similar to Aldo's, which is of course copying designers. You'll also be surprise to know that some of my most comfortable heels that I wear to work were purchased from there. The above wedges were purchased from Spring for only $15!
13. Do you have a pair of shoes you regret purchasing?

I bought these from Forever 21 probably two years ago. They are still brand new and that's because they are the most UNCOMFORTABLE pair of heels EVER! They are not only a pain to get on because of all the straps but they are SO uncomfortable to walk in. I have never even worn them out because I tried walking around my house with them before just to test them out, and my feet were already sore afterwards. Luckily, they were on sale.
14. Show your favorite pair of shoes.

These Sam Edelman Zoe booties are my favourite pair of shoes! I got them from the Petite Feet Sale in Toronto and they were sponsored to me. Now, they aren't the most comfortable pair of booties, but they are so edgy! I especially love the harness details that I just can't pass it up.
Hope you guys enjoyed reading this tag post! If you have done this tag before, feel free to leave a comment below with the link! I would love to watch/read your video/post! And if you haven't done it, then I tag you!! :D
PS, don't forget to enter my Too Faced Naked Palette giveaway which ends on March 11. Follow the link on the side bar!