Currently Playing [Hillsong - At the Cross]

Back in the Edo period (1600-1900), Sakaya (liquor shop) began serving alcohol and providing a place to stay and drinking. (There is another supposition that soba ya, buckwheat noodle shop, began serving alcohol with their food including otsumami.) During this period, the number of single men is a lot higher than women, izakaya became a popular place and spread into the society easily as a casual dining space to share not only drink and food, but also their life stories. Compare to pub or bar, the food is more substantial and accompany to drinks.
Great atmosphere, great food and a great time! I've always been a really big fan of Guu ever since its first opening in Toronto back in 2009. It's great that I was able to bring my two favourite girls from my Japanese class to Guu last night. We had a blast! :)

Takoyaki たこ焼き
Gomaae ごまあえ
Ikapiri いかピリ

Location: 398 Church Street
Toronto, ON
M5B 2A2
(416) 977-0999
PS, don't forget to enter my Too Faced Naked Palette giveaway which ends on March 11. Follow the link on the side bar!