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For those who remember from my post almost 2 years ago (here), you'll remember my first time going to the MAC Warehouse Sale. We are lucky enough (those of us living in the GTA area) to have these Mac Warehouse Sales that we can attend. They happen 3/4 times each year and it's at Markham Fairgrounds. The only downside of this warehouse sale is that it's not open to the public. It's an invitation only event and thus, you can actually find these complimentary invitations for sale online. As always, I was very, very fortunate to have my fellow blogger friend, Joyce, who is able to provide me with a ticket. The sale lasts for 3 days (Fri-Sun) and this year, we went on a Saturday along with Rica.

This is my haul this year! Yes, believe it or not, that's all I bought! I spend less than $50, which is a lot less than my usually hauls from these warehouse sales. I guess the reason being is that going to these sales every year has gotten really boring. Plus, I recently made an order on SaSa, so I had wanted to save some money as well.

Apparently they had 6 in total (but I only found these 4 colours when I went to the sale. I picked up the colours: Satin Taupe, Naked Lunch, Plumage and Golden Rod. At only $4 each, it's a great deal! Now they all sit nicely in my Z-Palette.

I was so excited to see this in the sale! I hadn't seen any Shimmer Bricks at the sale before, thus, I was super excited to get this! The colors work so nicely as highlights and I can't wait to use them as highlights!

At the end of the sale, when you surrender your ticket back to them, they will give you a free gift. From what I have read from other people's tweets and blog posts, the free gifts are different eyelashes this year. This is the one that I got for free. It's a little dramatic for everyday wear, but still looks pretty.

This is usually what everyone goes for! Every year, the company will sell these bags for only $5 each and all proceed will go to a charity. This year is for the Breast Cancer Society. There's a limit of 4 bags per person, which means that you can only buy a maximum of $20. I'm assuming they are trying to limit people from resell. Oh and different days have different charity bags and even during different times of the day, you can get different bags. That's why some girls, with multiple tickets, will go again and again (even though they are not suppose to)

This year's items ARE AMAZING! These items are the BEST ones yet! They had the different Dazzlesphere from their Holiday 2011 collection. On the day that I went, they had the crushed pigments and the mini-lipgloss ones. These items retailed for $32.50 for the crush pigments spheres, thus, $5 for them is a STEAL!

White as Snow (snowy white)
Silver Sleet (medium gray)
Wintersky (purple blue)
and Dark Moon (charcoal)
Smoky Berry Crushed Metallic Pigment Kit Dazzlesphere
Pearl (pearl)
Rose Light (rose)
Spicy Smoke (dark strawberry)
and Roasted Chestnut (deep chocolate with gold pearl

On the Scene (light coral beige)
Richer, Lusher (peach coral)
Eurobeat (peach coral with gold pearl)
and Phiff! (yellow pink with red and sapphire pearl)
Pink Lip Dazzlesphere
Fashion Scoop (milky pale pink nude)
Petite Indulgence (blue based mid-tone barbie pink)
Rags to Riches (dusky pink base with multi-coloured iridescent glitter)
Like Venus (bubblegum pink base with pink and gold shimmer)

Were any of my readers at the sale? I would love to read about what you got at the sale! Let me know in the comments below! Also, please check out Joyce's blog for her haul! She bought SOOOOOOO many Charity Bags! It's so fun just looking at them! :D
PS, don't forget to enter my Circle Lens giveaway which ends on April 2. Follow the link on the side bar!