take my photo off the wall if it just won't sing for youI am a horrid little blogger, aren't I? The last three weeks of my life have been a blur of internship applications (don't ask...), last minute weekend trips, exams, work, and catching up on three series of Misfits (seriously, how did I miss that show? It is beyond brilliant). The way I see it, my problems are nothing that a little Twiggy can't fix. Twiggy always knows how to get me in the retro mood. She's so varied in her talents and looks that I find her endlessly inspiring. The girl really can do it all - model, act, sing, design. Given the chance, I bet that she could rule the world. I was at a department store today in Chelsea that had this great large print of a photo that Avedon took of Twiggy in 1967. I wanted it so badly, but reality came crashing in when I looked at the several hundred pound price tag. Eh, but a girl can dream right?