Currently Playing [DBSK - Bolero]

I had originally wanted to wear a dress for fashion week since the weather in Toronto has been beyond amazing in the past few days. (Highs of 18) However, when I was digging through my closet, I couldn't find a suitable dress. That just basically mean that I have outworn most of my dresses. Thus, I put together this outfit instead. I'm especially enjoying this collar trend that's been a huge craze lately. (They were even on the runway during the shows) I decided to double it up with an extra collar and a super long necklace that I got from Hong Kong last summer, which I have never worn until now. And the fur coat? The best $20 I have ever spend in Zara!
PS, don't forget to enter my Circle Lens giveaway which ends on April 2. Follow the link on the side bar!