Currently Playing [I won't Give Up - Jason Mraz]

First off, I really want to thank you to all of you who congratulated me on my graduation from university in my previous post! I feel really loved! It means a lot to me and I truly appreciated! Second, as you can tell from my lack of posts in the past 2 weeks, I have been super busy. I just finished my last days of school last week and now I started my final 20 days teaching block. (20 days teaching block = teaching everyday for 20 days at a local high school) This also means that I have to wake up everyday at 6 in the morning and I usually don't get home until around 4 in the afternoone. It's going to be an extremely long 20 days!
I get a lot of questions asking me about what kind of clothes do I wear when I teach because well, I don't wear the most "professional" clothing on a regular basis. Of course, I'm general style may be a little "out there" for a school setting. So this is pretty much a typical outfit that I wear for teaching. I know, not too professional, but I can't help it. I'm still trying to find the balance between work and play when it comes to my teaching outfits. Any suggestions? :D