Currently Playing [One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful]
First, HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! Hope you are all enjoying the extra time off of work/school! :D Long weekends always make me so happy! :D

Second, MARNI! So last month, I missed the launch of Marni at H&M because I had school on that day and I was just super busy with work in general. Then when I went back to the store on the following day, most of the stuff that I had wanted were already sold out! I was pretty bummed about it afterwards and really regretted not getting anything from this collaboration because so many of my favourite fashion bloggers (Rumi here & here, Sandra here & Fashionzen here)were stating that this collaboration was the BEST designer collaboration yet.
Then the BEST thing happened to me today! My family and I decided to head downtown to do a little shopping after lunch. I walked into H&M not expecting to find anything special because I wasn't really in the mood to shop. However, then I stumbled across the sale section and saw that the Marni at H&M collection was now at 50% off! And you know what? They still had my size in all the stuff that I had wanted. (Better go now if you want any of the items because there were so many girls picking at the sale rack!) Here are the items that I picked up:

Marni at H&M Leather Jacket
Marni at H&M Silver Sandals

I'm really tempted to go another H&M tomorrow to see if they have any more items. I still want some of the necklaces but not sure if anyone would actually return those. Plus, I have these $5 off cards from H&M for purchasing over $30 today! Excuse to shop again? ;)