According to my mom - who was at this concert (I know, I'm insanely jealous too) - Mick's birthday celebration was insane. This is what she told me: "He dumped incense from the ceiling on everyone, threw cake at the audience, shot champagne at the audience, and slammed Stevie Wonder in the face with cake. It was so much fun! ... Except for the incense in my nose and mouth." HOW AMAZING DOES THAT SOUND?
Okay, so nothing that I do will ever live up to how my mom got to celebrate with Mick on his big day - but I still want to do something. I guess I will just have to follow the lead of what Taylor Swift and crew did for Shirley MacLaine's big day and party it up in honor of Mick.
To get the celebration going, here are a few of my favorite Mick posts that I've done in the past:
- Mick Jagger, through the years
- kiss me 'til you're drunk and i'll show you all the moves like jagger, i've got the moves like jagger
- The Most Epic Couples in Music History
- all of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars, all of us do time in the gutters, dreamers turn to look at the cars
Title: from "Sympathy for the Devil" (The Rolling Stones)