Currently Playing [Taylor Swift (Jayesslee Cover) - Safe and Sound]

As you all can probably tell, I haven't blogged in a really long time! Sorry for my absent and no, I have not give up on this blog! Let me fill you the month of July, I think I only made 7 posts. (Remember when I use to post once a day?) Well, life has been extremely busy in the past month. I had been volunteering at a local summer camp and trust me, working 10 hours a day is BEYOND tiring. (Not to mention having to wear a camp t-shirt everyday is not worthy of an outfit post!) So most of the time I just want to go home and sleep! Not to mention that I still need to save them for tutoring and job hunting. Plus, on top of that I have also been playing softball on a league team. With 3 practices per week, my schedule is SUPER packed!
Now that the summer camp is over, I promise I'll be more regular here! But for the time being, I still have a Dolly Wink giveaway (courtesy of Artie Style) going on here!