Currently Playing [One Direction - I Wish]

So to all my fashion followers, I'm terribly sorry for not updating with an outfit post for the longest time! I can explain! Basically, since I'm still unemployed (full-time job-wise) so most of my days, sadly, are spent at home. This means I'm practically living in my PJ's! It sounds so pathetic to actually put it into words, but it's the truth. Thus, I don't really have much of a need to dress up. But don't worry, with 2 more interviews coming up, if everything goes according to plan, I'll have 5 part time jobs by the end of this month. Does that actually make up for 1 full time job?
Anyways, I'm so in love with these tattoo leggings! You may not know this about me, but I don't have a tattoo. (Even though my banner is of me with a word: Chanel) The reason, not because of the pain, but it just seems too permanent to me. Don't get me wrong, I think some tattoos are so chic! But I always thought that if my taste in tattoos is as bi-polar as my taste in fashion, then we'll have a problem. I can't imagine loving the same images or texts for the rest of my life. I always stopped myself from getting one. So wouldn't you say that these tattoo tights are meeting me half way?