Currently Playing [Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me]

I recently stumbled across this very cute stationeries line inside my local super market, Loblaws. I usually don't shop at Loblaws for groceries but instead you'll find me in the Joe Fresh section of the store. Anyways, last week I was with JL looking for a Joe Fresh sweater when we came across with brand, J± (pronounced “J plus minus”). I tried doing research on the company but couldn't find anything about them. The stuff that they make are very Korean and Japanese inspired, which reminds me a lot of Muji stationaries but cheaper. Anyways, when I came across these sticky notes, I couldn't pass them up! They are SUPER ADORABLE and I can't wait to use them around the classroom! They range from $0.50 - $4 each, if you are interested, go check out the stationery section at your local Loblaws to get them.