Currently Playing [劉力揚 - 崇拜你]

One of my best friends, have moved to Japan after graduation to take part in the JET program. On one side, I'm very happy for her but of course, a part of me is sad that she's leaving me. She surprised me during my birthday week with this love package filled with stickers, candies, Christmas cards, facial masks and etc...The package was HUGE! :D

Here is a close up of the facial masks. They are all made in Korea and there are some very odd ones, like snake venom! I can't wait to try them out! :D

Japan Christmas cards are SO COOL! These ones can stand up into a Christmas tree! How kawaii is that? They can I'm thinking about sending a lucky reader one of these cards for Christmas! :D

And of course, here are all the yummy sweets! Like at ALL THE CANDIES! I can't wait to try them all out. She also included an orange Fanta flavour of Hi-Chews! They definitely don't have this flavour in Toronto! So I'm super excited to try it out! And also the melon caramel candy from Hokkaido (北海道).