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You asked for it and here it is! My first monthly fashion favourites have arrived! Here are the fashion-related items that I have been loving for the month of October! Let's hope I can keep up with these monthly posts.

Printed Scarves
Since the weather is slowly getting colder, it's a MUST that I wear a scarf on a regular basis. Not only does it keep me nice and warm but it's also quite easy to style. These two scarves have been my favorite for the past month. The leopard one with blue hearts is from Ardene and it was only $3! The second one is from Deena & Ozzy (Urban Outfitters). It was a part of my birthday gift from my high school friends.

Joe Fresh Down Filled Parka
I feel like every year I have this need to buy a new winter jacket. So let's hope with this one, it'll be my last! I needed something long, with a hood and down-filled because let's face it, Canadian winters are brutal. Plus, it can't be like crazy expensive. (Not interested in spending $600 on a jacket) As long as it's warm and it looks decent then I'm okay with it. After searching for quite sometime, JL and I decided to stick with this one from Joe Fresh. It looks very similar to the TNA one from Artizia, but it's a fraction of the price ($99). I also have no interest in getting the TNA one. Though I got the XS, the arms still doesn't fit perfectly but I can work with it because I'll probably be wearing some chunky knits underneath anyways. This is going to keep me warm when I bus home from work in the winter.

Shoes Suitable for Daily Wear
Since I started working full-time this past October, I have realized how important it is for shoes to be suitable for the workplace. In my case, this means that the shoes have to be comfortable (I stand almost all day at work) and appropriate for the classroom. Also, I have to take the public transit to go home. So I have been mostly rotating between these 3 pairs. I find that these 3 pairs match with almost everything so I don't need to think about what shoes to wear. L to R: Aldo loafers, Walmart Kids lace flats ($10) and BCBGeneration leopard heels.

Tights, Tights, Tights
I've been transitioning my summer clothes into something that's more fall appropriate. One of the best way of doing this is by layering thick cotton or thermal tights underneath summer dresses and skirts. So that's what I've been doing in the month of October. I've been pulling out my pattern tights more frequently. These are the ones that I've been wearing regularly. L to R: grey tights from Ardene ($3 each!), black thermal tights from Zellers and light pink cotton tights from Campus Crew.