Currently Playing [One Direction - Little Things]
Yesterday, a few fellow Toronto-based bloggers and I celebrated Joyce's (Sparklyplayground) birthday! Believe it or not but her birthday is actually on Halloween. Unfortunately, many people were busy last weekend, so we had to move our celebration to this weekend. No matter because we still had a blast dressing up anyways.

I decided to take out my ゆかた (浴衣) that had been collecting dust in my closet and finally learned how to put one on. (Took me over 45 minutes and my obi was so not perfect!) I had purchased this from Hong Kong around 3 years ago at Uniqlo. Everyone at the party was pretty shocked that it was from Uniqlo. (I was thinking that it was probably only available in Hong Kong rather than in the States.)

A close up of my make for the night from my Instagram (@thiswasforever)

My favourite girlies! From L to R: Michele (as Wanda from Fairly Odd Parents, her boyfriend was Cosmo! Super adorable!), Joyce (as Snow White), myself (as...?? LOL) & Rica (as a kitty cat).

Here is the birthday girl in her super kawaii Snow White costume! JL had actually thought that she had chopped her hair off because the wig looked so real ~ She's posing with the balloons that I had purchased for her.

Loved all the decorations and details that she included all around the house. If guests didn't have a costume, they can choose anything from the floor to wear! :D Super nice of Joyce!

We also had contests for best costume and best Halloween dishes! Of course, Rica's macaroons stole the show! They were so delicious! I still can't believe that she had made them from scratch! They were better than the ones that you get in the stores! :) No jokes!
I'm missing the group shots with everyone but when Joyce writes her post, I'll update this again! But here is some photos stolen from her Instagram (@01b0o)