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This is going to be a little different than my usual posts...I'm going to tell you a story! So a week ago, I decided to try a new hair salon. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my stylist and after this experience, I need to give him a kiss! It's just that recently, my schedule has been SO busy lately that I just do not have time to visit my usual stylist because he's quite far from work. Anyways, last week I happen to be in Markville Mall and had 3 hours to kill so I decided to do my hair at a salon there. BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE! Honestly, I have some curse with that mall! Remember my problem with the Old Navy there, which caused quite a reaction?
The salon is called L'Attitudes and the stylist who did my hair is middle-aged Asian lady. (Clearly, I didn't even bother to get her name) So I walked into the salon hoping to just touch up my roots & to add colour. My hair was a dark-blonde and I wanted something cooler. I chose an ASH BLONDE! First, she told me that we would have to bleach my hair, just the roots, because it's way too dark. (That I understood because that's how I use to get my blonde hair as well). However, I did not understand why the bleach that she used was SO STRONG! It literally felt like my skull was melting. (Trust me, I've bleached my hair so many times and I have never experienced anything like that)
The second thing was the fact that the place had a TERRIBLE sink used for washing hair. It was EXTREMELY uncomfortable and my neck was so sore after she washed my hair. Plus, she GOT MY ENTIRE BACK wet! I have NEVER EVER had this happen before! She even splashed water in my eyes, not once but twice! Clearly she's has no skills. And the results?.....

HOW THE HELL IS THIS AN ASH COLOUR???? After the bleach, the colour that she had added didn't show up AT ALL! So my hair is ORANGE! (I was quite embarrass to be going to a L'oreal Event looking like this...)Plus, she couldn't stripe the old colour off completely, so basically my hair is UTTERLY UNEVEN AT MANY PLACES! And you know what she DARED to say to me? And I quote: "Oh don't worry, you know the ombre effect is very popular right now?". WHAT THE HELL?! First of all, I didn't ask for ombre and even if I did, HOW THE HELL IS THIS OMBRE? It's UNEVEN AT THE TOP OF MY HEAD! ARGH!

My hair is seriously ORANGE! So that night after the L'oreal Event, I had to go to buy some dye to SAVE my hair colour! That means I've 4x as much chemical damage on my hair than the usual! T_T So pissed!
With this being said, I paid an extremely expensive lesson! (Yes, I still paid her) But I'm going to take this chance to recommend my stylist to you all! (No, I'm not getting paid for this, I just REALLY like this stylist!) His name is Ricky and he's the wonder of the salon called Fusion. He is the one who is able to turn my hair ash and blonde WITHOUT using bleach! He uses a special Korean hair dye that is especially made for stubborn black hair :) Here is all the details that you'll need to know:
360 Highway 7 East
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Contact: (905) 886-2088
Sunday 10am-6pm
Monday 10am-7pm
Tuesdays CLOSED
Wed-Sat 10am-7pm
Wash, Cut & Style(洗剪吹) - $16 (男/M) $20 (女/F)
Wash & Style (洗吹) $10 (男/M) $12 (女/F)
Perm (電髮) $48+(男/M) $58+(女/F)
Dye/Colour (染髮) $38+(男/M) $48+(女/F)
Colour Treatment (顔色護理) $48+
Relaxing Straight Perm (負離子直髮) $140+
Digital Perm (陶瓷曲髮) $160+
**長髮 +$3
**Long Hair +$3
My hair cost around $80 for a full cover and $50-$60 for root touch-up! You don't need an appointment, they welcome walk-ins. But just remember, they are closed on Tuesdays! :)
PS, these photos were taken a week ago, so my hair is no longer orange!