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For as long as I can remember, I've been shopping in the kid's department. In fact, I love shopping in the kid's section of most clothing stores. You can always find me scavenging through the kid's area of Forever 21, Zara, H&M, Walmart and etc even though I'm well pass my teen years. Why you might ask? Because my wallet will thank me later.
First of all, children's clothing are so much cheaper. They are at least on average 10%-30% (regular price) cheaper than the adult clothing. Take the two tops that I'm wearing: the A&F plaid shirt is on sale online for $8 and the F21 sweater is also on sale for $5! (CRAZY!) And most of the styles are equivalent, if not, very similar to their adult counterparts. So of course, I would opt for the cheaper alternatives. Second, the sizes are suitable for my body type. Most stores' largest kid's size is either an XL or size 14, some even goes up to size 16, I definitely do not have a problem looking for the right fit. Take this Forever 21 Girls sweater and this A&F plaid shirt, both in size XL and fits very nicely. Plus, it also helps that I'm vertically challenged ;)
My biggest tip that I can offer is to make sure that you check the length of the sleeves. Sometimes the sleeves can be a bit short but a really good way to combat this problem is to simply roll up the sleeves. However, this would not work if you are looking for the full length. In which case, I would suggest looking through the boy's department instead of the girl's because they would usually cover your entire sleeve and midriff. And now you know one of my biggest secret to save money! So make sure you head down to the kid's department next time you go shopping! ;)
PS, I'm fully aware that this technique can only work for girls with a petite frame. So I know that it will not work for everyone!