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As you can tell by the title, this is going to be another post where I complain about a company; more specially, Holika Holika Canada. So please be prepared for a wordy post and you're more then welcome to just leave if you are not interested. Now I first want to say that my "review" of this company is no reflection of the actual products nor a reflection of the company at any other countries, I'm more upset and disappointed at their PR, her name is KAREN or their "owner" of the Canadian brand ambassador. They launched their first Canadian store sometime in 2012. (I'm not going to put effort into trying to search for the actual date) They have a store located in Pacfic Mall, this is the address of the mall. I also want to say that I have never actually went in their store at Pacific Mall. So I cannot say if the customer service is THIS bad at the actual location. But I have not heard any good stuff, but I will not mention it here since it's only "rumors". (But you can entertain yourself and read them here)
First let me start off with giving you some background information about this sponsorship from Holika Holika Canada. So the company sponsored me a few products to review around 17 weeks ago, roughly 4 months ago. Today I'm writing this in the end of January of 2013, so 4 months ago, would make it end of September of 2012. I'm going to show a print screen photo of my Instagram of when I posted the photo once I have received the product. (Please ignore the dry shampoo, they are part of another company and is in no relation to Holika Holika Canada)

So you might be wondering, why it has taken me over 17 weeks to write this "review"...well, simply enough, I didn't want to make an "enemy" of a pretty large Asian makeup brand. However I started thinking recently, that if the head office in Korea hear about this news, they will NOT trust the Canadian ambassador with promoting this brand. (I may be a little too optimistic into thinking that this post may actually reach Korea...) Plus, I'm a consumer, so from consumer to consumer, YOU would want to know about this too before purchasing from them. Lastly, I completely disapprove of any companies' PR treating bloggers like crap. We bloggers take the time and effort to write reviews for them and to promote their products, so why would the companies want to piss us off? You wouldn't give your customers USED products, so why would you give it to the bloggers? 10 good publicity cannot cover 1 bad one!! To simply put, Holika Holika Canada treated me like a garbage can. Let me show you want I mean when I started taking photos for the blog reviews:
Holika Holika Strawberry Pore Cover BB Balm

I started opening my package with this product when I realized that not only did this product didn't have a seal but it didn't come with a box! (Read this blogger's review!) I was taking a photo of it when I noticed something wasn't right when I flipped the product around...

The manufacture date was over a year ago, (at the time) back in 2011. I started wondering about how old this product really is and if it's about to expire. (The item didn't come with a seal or anything so it has definitely been exposed to the air) Then my fear was confirmed...Once opened, this was what I saw...

THE PRODUCT HAS BEEN USED! Even the sponge, which doesn't look like the original one, has some marks on it! AND LOOK AT THE CLOSER PHOTO!!! There's a PIECE OF HAIR/FIBER on it! If you want me to do a review of your products, how do you expect me to take a decent photo of the items when it's been swatched/used? LOL! HOW DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE??!! =S It's MIND-BLOWING to think that THEY THINK that I will apply this ON MY FACE! So after this, I went quickly to open the other compact to see if it has the same problem...and GUESS WHAT I FOUND?
Holika Holika Face 2 Change Roller B.B Balm Compact

You can fool someone with the top (but of course the item was not sealed at all!)...until you flip it over...

This item doesn't have the manufacture date on it however, look how BEAT UP THE PACKAGING IS! AND THERE'S NO BOX! (This blogger got a box with her new one!)

Can you see it? (Note that the sponge of the roller is clean, so there's no way that I could have done this)

And here is the CLOSE UP! It's been ROLLED ON! That's STRIKE 2! And honestly at this point, I didn't want to try ANY of their other products :( I was SO scared because you really don't know what they have done to it! Even if I don't have sensitive skin, I will not put their product on my face. That's just gross.

Someone has also touched the roller because there's some nasty, oily finger prints on it! I feel like this is one of those sample products at the are the rest of the products:
Holika Holika Soda Pore Cleansing Powder Wash, Love Fantasy Blush, Face 2 Change Roller B.B Balm

The Soda Pore Cleansing Powder and the blush were the only two things that had a seal on them. However, the powder wash's manufacture date was in 2011, which means the product has been sitting the self for over a year before it was given to me. It feels a little like hand-me-down...AND NOTICE THAT THE Face 2 Change Roller B.B Balm doesn't come with a BOX! (This blogger has a box for hers!)
So in conclusion, ALL THESE PRODUCTS BELONG IN THE GARBAGE CAN! I honestly will not trust a company that gives me USED products to test, I don't care if all the other stuff has a seal on them because WHO KNOWS what they could have done to it. It's like if your company sells pads, will you give someone a USED one to test out?? I know, it's not as dramatic as used pads, but I was so taken aback by this! And I will definitely NOT write a positive review for even 1 product for them!! That would be lying on my part and that I cannot pass myself! What makes them think that it's okay for them to "kindly" give it to a blogger to review is BEYOND MY COMPREHENSION! They are actually treating me like a rubbish bin! I feel a little disrespected and somewhat received a slap in the face!
Companies CANNOT be allowed to treat bloggers/reviewers like this! WE NEED TO FIGHT FOR BLOGGER RIGHTS! Please help me spread the words around so companies will think twice before giving us bloggers some used and old products! :)