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As the weather is getting warmer and as summer slowly approaches, it always puts me in a more "traveling" mood. Surprisingly, I'm not a big traveller like most people. Yeah I do want to "see the world" but I always want to save the hard earned money on a house or a car or something. I guess I always feel that traveling is something that I can do later in life. This year though, with a full time job at hand, I probably won't have as much freedom. This means that I will not get the 4 months holiday like when I was a student. So if I really wanted to travel, deciding where to go is always the hardest part because of a lack of time. And it's always about whether or not I want to spent this amount or this amount or this amount.
But then one day my friend reminded me that maybe I don't need to go too far for a vacation. As a matter of fact, Canada has a lot to offer and it's true, I haven't been to any other provinces except for Ontario, Quebec and BC. I haven't been anywhere east of here. Plus, it's not too far meaning that I can save on traveling time and money. Check out some of the exciting places in Canada:

You can find flights to canada probably through most airlines but I really want to try to travel by trains. If anyone has any recommendation on where I can go within Canada, please kindly comment below!
PS, don't forget to enter my Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette giveaway, follow the link on the side bar!