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HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! Wow, I can't believe another week has gone by already and that today is the end of May. I'm honestly, honestly, a little scared that tomorrow is June, which means we are almost into the second half of 2013. What scary thought? For this week's Friday Feature, I'm very happy to introduce to you, two lovely ladies, Lisa of 19th Tea Leaf and Yulia of Lady Yulialogy! Please take some time to check out their blogs!
I'm trying very hard to create a friendly blogging world, so if you want to be featured here, do fill out the form at the bottom of this post. I'm currently welcoming any types of blog from any parts of the world!

Name: Lisa
Blog: 19th Tea Leaf
I review products, blog about fashion, and blow about baking/cooking c: sometimes I'll post DIY's so if you have time, pop over to my blog ^_^

Name: Yulia Rahmawati
Blog: Lady Yulialogy
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Hi I'm Yulia, I'm 23 years old. I'm going Gaga when its relates to photography, children education, fashion, books, environment, social activities and cultures. My blog is my reminder, so I can move on to brighter future while learning from the past. I might post about my hijab daily style, hijab inspiration, my photography, drawing, poems, recipes, and some opinion about what's happening in my mind. Please feel free to do blogwalking and visit mine, Lads :)
Fill out the form below to be featured next week!