Vogue Spain - 7 Days/7 Looks Day ThreeSkater Chick. This outfit pretty much sums me up. I'm wearing one of my favorite combos that you often see on me which is white on white, a t-shirt that has the word 'tomboy' in it, and a skateboard with me. I know I say this one two many times on the blog but it's true. Because I work in the creative field and do so many different things throughout the day - whether it's going to a client meeting, design meeting, construction site, blog related meeting, then going out to have dinner with my friends, my outfits have to keep up with that and be able to work for all these various activities. For my third look for Vogue España's 7 días/7 looks feature, I wanted to show what my normal work outfit would be. Office casual chic with sneakers/flats during the day that can be easily dressed up with a pair of killer heels.I'm more of a longboarder but I left my longboard in Kentucky so for this shoot, I borrowed Wesley Mason's Element skateboard. I got the sneakers from Lacoste during Coachella at their Lacoste L!ve Party and they're so easy to wear.My friend Christina, who designs for Pencey, is one witty girl I know. Even before I've become friends with her, I was a fan of her line Pencey and Sauce. She is amazing at coming up with so many cool slogans that I feel like she needs a line solely for graphic tees. This is one of my favorite tees that I own from her line. The word Pretty Tomboy on the front, and jersey numbers on the back with pretty florals in it is so lovely, don't you think?
Pencey Pretty Tomboy Tee (also here)Stylestalker Mini Skirt (similar here and here)Lacoste SneakersJennifer Zeuner Necklace