Fashion Time   +  Inspiration

snax3I've gotten several requests to do a post about what I eat on a daily basis. To be honest, I just eat a lot of snacks throughout the day as opposed to three solid meals. I am really passionate about breakfast though, so I usually start off with a big bowl of oatmeal made with milk and stevia or an extra-large green smoothie and some toast. 
Current favorite snacks include:  roasted seaweed, cucumber and lemon with chili pepper, Organic Nectars chocolate bar, berries, toast with almond butter and banana (specifically Wild Friends nut butter), pecans, walnuts, flax crackers, almond cookies, and chipotle kale chips. All of this food can be found at Whole Foods and require very little preparation. I personally believe it is much better to nourish your body with healthy snacks throughout the day as opposed to filling yourself up with overly caloric meals. snax2snax1snax4I'm currently working on fitness content, so stay tuned for that!xx