Fashion Time   +  TIME

Summer better S L O W ... D O W N ! ! ! ! !

Cottage hollyhocks in front garden Yes. I'm alive.

This is no doubt the longest I have selectively ignored my blog and pretty much everything else online. I'm so sorry!

My BIGGEST and most exciting announcement is that I have been out of my chair and off my crutches for SIX WEEKS AND COUNTING!!!

This week is the big day we have been waiting for; as we travel up to see the hip-pelvis guru Surgeon in Washington!

Sweet female Hummer on our Crocosmia in the front garden
For the first time in 4 years since my injury; I am able to be up all throughout the day and spend more time in my garden, organizing house projects and working on some new ventures. Yipeee!

1910 Deco Porcelain sink (now planter/butterfly feeder) in front of 1949 playhouse

So, here's to some H O T August days and good junkin'!!!

PS Thanks for your patience as I try to figure out how I screwed up my banner! :P Any blogger advice welcome! :)