Hey loves! I woke up this morning and remembered that tomorrow's Labor Day and I don't have to go to work. I broke out into a song and dance right then and there. Alas, I have no major plans for the remainder of the weekend--but that's okay with me. I'm relishing in the opportunity to just RELAX!
Friday night, I met up with my #FashionableATL loves at Strip restaurant to celebrate the beautiful Breck's (of Fashion Without Guilt ) birthday. She's on the right, and with her is Kay Cee of Two Stylish Kays (who has a serious knack for finding the most amazing vintage and thrifted items).
This was a right-after-work affair, so I needed shower and throw on something quickly (and take pics for *Right-Click Save* , of course). I decided to take inspiration from one of my favorite bloggers--Helena of Brooklyn Blonde . We both have the same skirt from ASOS, so I yanked it out of the closet and paired it with a black blazer, my usual arm party, and a pair of Iowa Zeppa Christian Louboutin shoes. I definitely plan on rocking the skirt like Helena when I find a trench coat to replace my current one...it's now a bit too big on me!
The *Right-Click Save*

Right-Click Saved from: http://brooklynblonde.com
The Install

Wanna Right-Click Save?Express blazerForever 21 tankASOS skirt (I love the unexpected color the model is wearing with this skirt, definitely going to try this!)House of Chapple necklaceThe usual suspects on my wrist and hands
Oh, and here's a pic of my Fashionable Atlanta loves and me from Jazz Jade's amazing blog!

Right-Click Saved from: http://jadecoloredracks.com
Hope everyone's having a fabulous Labor Day weekend!