Happy Friday, loves!
Remember that sneak peek I shared with you a few weeks ago? Well, now I can share that I rocked those red bottoms for a "Who Wore it Best" feature on Stacey Kay's amazing blog, Goodwill Huntingg.
Stacey sent me this fab dress (and let me keep it!) to style my way. I piled on the jewelry, grabbed one of my vintage clutches, and threw on my Louboutins--my uniform.
Check out the feature here and vote for me! I'll accept sympathy votes as well.
I thought this pic was so hilarious and just had to include it.
What the heck am I doing?? I look like I'm about to take off in flight or something.
This is why I need those sympathy votes!

Anywhoo...enjoy your day. We're mere hours away from the weekend!