I bought these mesh booties from H&M months ago but haven't worn them much. You know I'm fashionally-challenged, and this impulsive purchase really stumped me. So to the back of my closet these ankle boots went.
Then it dawned on me...why don't I do what I do best and *right-click save* some inspiration? After finding these two looks, I decided to try them out with a pair of skinny pants and a black and white palette. The Right-Click Save

*Right-Click Saved* from http://chictopia.com

*Right-Click Saved* from http://chictopia.com The Install
Not only am I fashionally-challenged, I'm vertically-challenged as well. I tried shortening these pants a bit by rolling them up--and of course they begin to unravel when the camera's on me. My pants won't let me be great. I'll try them with shorts or a dress next time.

Wanna Right-Click Save? Worthington topCisono pantsH&M bootsFrancesca's Collection cuffRandom sunnies If you have any suggestions on how I can wear these boots, let me know! I'm pretty sure helping fashion victims counts as community service.