Fashion Time   +  Wildlife

Misty Magical Sunday Morning

...twenty minutes ago (8am)...went into kitchen to get more coffee and looked up to see him wandering slowly down the garden.

Certified Wildlife Habitat, indeed!

A little blurry because it was taken through our sliding glass door (which needs to be cleaned*ahem*)

I'm sure most people don't get excited about having deer come up into their garden; but to be honest, we have never had any problems with them getting into anything of ours. Maybe they are coming up through other gardens and are full by the time they reach ours...!?

I do believe, because we plant so many herbs and practice companion planting, etc. (which tend to deter them)...that this helps.

Last night, Mr. H (aka Farmer Dan) completed the new large raised bed for our blueberries, further down on the slope. I think it looks wonderful!

We had one day of semi-sunshine, warmer, but muggy and cloudy...felt like a thunderstorm was brewing all day. More rain in our forecast this week...things sure are soggy!

Enjoy your Sunday!