Hey loves, I hope you're all doing well! I've managed to get sick during my trip (boo-hiss), so I'm in bed for the moment. My goal is to build up enough strength to check out the conference for a little while. But with this gloomy weather, and my equally gloomy physical condition at the moment, I'm not sure if that will happen.
My fashionista friends and I were having a conversation last night about outfits that are exact replicas of ensembles we've seen people rock and those that are inspired. I thought it would be appropriate to discuss my views here on *Right-Click Save* because it's pretty much the premise of this blog!
Some right-click saves are chosen because I want to recreate that exact outfit. I love every detail, and want to get as close as possible to the original--see the LC outfit or the beautiful bold blue blazer for examples of outfits I want to replicate.
Other right-click saves are a compilation of several photos that share a similar theme. I want to capture the essence, or the concept, of the theme. That would be more like my desire to color-block or steal one of my boyfriend's dress shirts .
Like I said last night, the beauty of being inspired is that you get to pull what you love about the outfit, add your own flavor to it, and create a fabulous mix of inspiration and individuality.
In other words, right-click saves are BOTH. I'm all for additional reasons to get my click on, and my closet is loving it too. Sounds like #winning to me (is anyone even quoting Charlie Sheen anymore?)
Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to pull these covers up over my head and pray that I feel better in a few hours. Ick!